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What Are the Types of Chemical Pumps?

Centrifugal Pumps

The chemical processing industry requires certain types of pump systems for handling chemical compounds, from acids to alkalis, raws to finished products, PumpWorks is the pump specialists to turn to for your chemical pump needs, Sales and Service, supply and installation we work together with our clients with the same end goal.

However, how familiar are you with chemical pumps? Did you know that there are different types of chemical pumps available?

In this blog, we will explore the different types of chemical pumps and what you can expect from each of them.

What is a Chemical Pump?

A chemical pump is a type of pump that is designed for handling chemicals. Selecting the right chemical pump is key to ensuring safety, efficiency, and quality. Chemical pumps can be used for a number of reasons, including:

  • Circulation of liquids 
  • Control of liquid flow
  • Transfer of chemicals
  • And more…

Types of Chemical Pumps

While there are various types of chemical pumps used in the chemical industry, the most common types of chemical pumps are:

  • Centrifugal Pump

The centrifugal pump is the most common type of chemical pump that moves fluids and gases by converting rotational energy into kinetic energy. Used for high-volume pumping, ideal for feeder systems.

  •  Gear Pump

Another type of chemical pump is the gear pump, which operates by repeatedly enclosing fluids with interlocking gears, mechanically transferring the fluid via an elliptical motion. This type of pump is a positive-displacement pump, designed for high pumping pressures, accuracy and metered flows.

  • Magnetic Drive Pump

Also known as the mag-drive pump, a magnetic drive chemical pump is a chemical-process pump that offers reliability and efficiency. This pump utilises magnets as the drivetrain creating a sealless barrier between the motor drive shaft and wetted internals of the pump. As a result, they are perfect for pumping corrosive / aggressive fluids as this design helps minimise the risk of leaks and contamination.

  • Air Diaphragm Pump (AODDP)

Air Diaphragm Pumps are our go to when it comes to Chemical Transfer. We are able to custom build these pumps to best suit your chemical range. From Stainless to PVDF, Teflon to UHMWPE the AODD Pump can be matched to your application.

This same double diaphragm technology is now available as an Electric Double Diaphragm Pump ~ The GRACO QUANTM.

If you are looking for a high-quality chemical pump, PumpWorks can help. From design and selection, to sales and service For a chemical pump system that you can rely on, PumpWorks has got you covered. Get in touch with us today for more information or for further questions.

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With a passion for solutions, we at PumpWorks get our satisfaction from working with our clients. Pumpworks custom design, custom build and deliver!

Supplying brands and products for the Chemical and Pharmaceutical, Food and Wine, Oil and Gas, Water and Wastewater industries, we understand what is required and what works.
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